Get involved!
The Chaplaincy offers a variety of events and activities, from learning about your faith, to playing games, volunteering, exploring the area, there is something for everyone.

Fr Rod Celebrates Mass at the following times:
Monday: 12:00 @the Meeting House, Sussex Campus
Tuesday: 17:30 @the Meeting House
Wednesday: 12:00 Watts 406, Moulsecoomb Campus, Brighton University, followed by lunch in the canteen.
Thursday: 12:00 @the Meeting House
Friday: 12:00 @the Meeting House
Sunday: 6pm @at the Meeting House, followed by refreshments
There is also Mass at St Josephs, Brighton at the following times:
Tuesday-Friday: 6pm
Sunday: 11:00am, followed by lunch for Young Adults, and 5:30pm.
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
You can approach Fr Rod to arrange a time for confession, or a priest is available at St Josephs Church:
Saturdays 11 – 11:45am.
Trips and Retreats
The Chaplaincy participates in an annual South Eastern University Chaplaincies’ Pilgrimage, where we join over 200 other Catholic students in historically significant destinations in the area. The next pilgrimage will be to Oxford on 19th October in 2024.
Every year the Chaplaincy has a residential weekend retreat at Worth Abbey, a Benedictine monastic community 40 minutes North of Brighton. It is a great opportunity to deepen friendships, explore faith, and have a break from hectic student life in the Sussex countryside. The next retreat will take place 29th Nov – 1st Dec 2024.

Every Summer the Chaplaincy makes an international pilgrimage. The usual destination is Taizé, an ecumenical Christian Community in France, where we spend the week among thousands of young people from all over the world, singing the beautiful chants, camping in tents, joining the brothers in prayer, and enjoying the beautiful countryside. It is a life-changing experience!

Tuesday Nights
From 6:30pm every Tuesday in term time we gather at The Catholic Student Centre, located opposite Falmer station. The evening begins with a shared meal and each week is followed by a range of different activities: movie nights, board games, talks, country walks, bowling trips, prayer evenings. To stay up to date follow the facebook chaplaincy page:
Social Outreach
There is the opportunity to volunteer at the Fitzherbert Community Hub, based at St John the Baptist Church, Kemptown. There is the chance to help out at the food bank, prepare food for the Real Junk Food Project, or support refugees and asylum seekers with Brighton Voices in Exile. If you would like to get involved please email Fr Rod [email protected].

If you enjoy working with children, there are opportunities to volunteer at children’s ministry at St Josephs parish, or Chomp, who provide healthy meals and activities during the holidays for children who usually rely on free school meals. Get in touch with your chaplains for more info.

Music Group
Whether you are a seasoned musician or just enjoy singing, you are welcome to join the music group for the 6pm Eucharist at the Meeting House on Sussex Uni campus. Speak to one of the chaplains for more info, or simply bring along your instrument/voice at 5:30pm for a run through before the Mass begins.

Weekly Schedule
11:00 Mass – St. Joseph’s Church, Brighton BN2 3ET. Followed by lunch or a walk with monks last Sunday of the month
18:00 Mass followed by refreshments – The Meeting House, Sussex Campus
12:00 Mass – The Meeting House
17:30 Mass – the Meeting House
18:30 Cathsoc gathering – The Catholic Student Centre opposite Falmer station
12:00 Mass –Watts 406, Moulsecoomb campus, Brighton University, followed by shared lunch.
12:00 Mass – The Meeting House
12:00 Mass – The Meeting House
18:30 Adoration with live praise and worship music (on 1rd Friday of the month) follwed by pizza/drinks– St Joseph’s Church